contact us.
hello there!
we're a small team so reaching out to us should be easy.
here are all the ways you can reach us:
1. just wanna vibe? come hang in our discord, we'd love to have you!
2. suggest a feature? we're here for it! you can do it on our feedback board.
3. frequently asked questions? we have a help center for that!
4. wanna get social? follow us on Twitter, Instagram, & Mastodon!
5. pesky annoying bugs? please report a bug directly within our app, it generates a report in an email that helps us debug the issue for you :)

there is a good chance that making sure stoic is on the latest version would fix the bug you're facing, so please make sure it's up to date on your devices.
and please be sure to go through our help center as well before reporting something to us because we have listed many ways to troubleshoot potential issues you may have.
6. you really want our email don't you? fine, if you wanna collab, send us love letters etc. it is s [at] getstoic [dot] com but you better not spam us.